As part of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project titled “Outdoor Activities for Social Connectedness, Cohesion and Well-Being of Youth“, the blended mobility of young people “Outdoor Safety and Risk Prevention” took place in Münster, Germany. From 25.07.2022 – 29.07.2022, our partner Bürgerhaus Bennohaus hosted a group of young people who were learning about nature, risk prevention, and enjoyed fun activities as well as an active outdoor learning agenda.
During some of the brainstorming and discussion sessions, our participants concluded that nature refers to the interaction between the physical surroundings around us and the life within it like atmosphere, climate, natural resources, ecosystem, flora, fauna, and humans. Throughout the conversations, participants were speaking about how to move more safely in nature during outdoor activities and prevent unnecessary risks.
The result of this particular session was an “Outdoor Agenda” which highlights ideas, opinions and thoughts showcased on the brainstorming session which can be useful to any reader out there.