Challenge 03

After completing the challenge, answer the reflection questions at the bottom. Create a screenshot of your answers or write them down – you will need them in the final step of the submission.

To submit a challenge, click on the Submit Challenge button! You will get a confirmation on your e-mail.

Short Description and Manner of realization


This is for the runners and also the non-runners among you! Whether you try to start jogging or if you’ve already got some running experience, here is a way to shake things up, especially if you like listening to music while you run. With this method, you alternate between slow and fast songs you listen to when you run and this way you can create an interval training* without counting minutes or kilometres.

*Interval training is running training in which you complete a fixed number of speed runs at a relatively high speed, which is interrupted by trotting breaks. Interval training also includes a detailed warm-up at the beginning and a relaxed run-out at the end, in order to prepare for and follow up the highly intensive exercise.


Create a special playlist for your next run. It should be between 20 and 30 minutes long (or however long your normal runs are). Half of the songs you choose should be upbeat and fast and the other half more slow and relaxed. Let the songs alternate in your playlist, but start with 2 slower songs for the warm-up and 2 slower songs for the cool-down.

You need some sort of sports clothes (fitting the weather you’re having) and a pair of running shoes. And obviously, some device with headphones to be able to listen to music while you run.

Number of participants



Required Tools


– Outdoor shoes/sandals
– Bottle of water
– Create a special playlist for your next run. It should be between 20 and 30 minutes long (or however long your normal runs are). Half of the songs you choose should be upbeat and fast and the other half more slow and relaxed. Let the songs alternate in your playlist, but start with 2 slower songs for the warm-up and 2 slower songs for the cool-down.

You need some sort of sports clothes (fitting the weather you’re having) and a pair of running shoes. And obviously, some device with headphones to be able to listen to music while you run.


Desired time for implementation:




Outdoor facilities & open spaces such as your neighborhoods, urban spaces, parks, running tracks;

The possibility for modification

  • If you are a beginner and looking for a way to start running/jogging you can adapt this exercise and make it easier. Alternate between walking to the slower songs and slowly jogging during the fast ones. Don’t push yourself too much, the most important is that you can keep up the running – however slow – during one whole song.
  • You can create more playlists following this structure but try out different genres and see how different styles of music affect your workout.
  • You can team up with a friend and create a playlist for each other. This way you maybe also get introduced to some new music.

Self-reflection questions:

After completing the challenge, answer the reflection questions.  Create a screenshot of your answers or write them down – you will need them in the final step of the submission.